Holiday programmes
Exciting holiday programs are offered outside of term time.
Well-trained staff will take care of your children while they get to experience the creativity of art days, become mini-chefs and have their imaginations stretched with dramatic story telling and magical acts. Children aged from 2 – 6 years of age who are not members of My World are welcome to attend our holiday programs
WHEN: During April and August holidays
Sleep-in Saturdays
Finding time to communicate with a spouse, see a movie, do important admin, shop or just relax and sleep in on a weekend is difficult.
Finding a qualified and affordable “babysitter” that you and your child feel comfortable with can also be difficult. This is why My World wants to support your family by offering our parents a Sleep-in Saturday. Exciting, age appropriate activities and a snack will be provided for your little ones. Parents can be confident that their child is being cared for by experienced child care providers in a safe and nurturing environment, while enjoying well-deserved lie-in.
WHEN: Every second month
TIME: 08h30 – 13h00.