3 months to mobile infant (approximately 18 months old)
Child to Staff Ratio: 3 to 1
My World believes that all stages of a child’s development are important, but during the first few months of life, a baby needs some extra-special one-on-one care with adequate stimulation to enable their optimal neural development. Our well trained caregivers build trust with our babies through giving positive responses to their cries, body language and early verbalization. Along with the use of age appropriate toys, baby gym, baby massage, interaction with others, affection from caregivers and outside exploration – our littlest ones begin to learn about their world around them.
Our Womb2World room offers the best in care, nutrition, stimulation and development for your precious baby while you return to work knowing that your baby is getting the best out there. We thrive on open communication with our parents and mimic our babies’ home routines as closely as possible. Each baby is sent home with a detailed booklet outlining their entire day whilst at My World.

18 months – turning 2 yrs of age (must be mobile and able to express basic needs)
Child to Staff Ratio 1:4 (including qualified nursery school teacher)
The Toddlers2Tyrants program provides a safe, healthy environment in which our children have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of experiences: from paint to climbers, from blocks to riding toys and from stories to play dough.
Age appropriate materials and experiences are offered daily. Language development is emphasized and used throughout all kinds of play and during our daily routines. We recognize that young toddlers are struggling with issues of dependence versus independence, and so both the security of structure and the freedom of making simple decisions are provided. We support and encourage each child’s emerging physical, intellectual and social skills, making sure that each receives the affection and nurturing necessary for healthy development.
Our teachers recognize that learning is built into activities – but the pressure to learn is not. We believe in a daily routine that follows a predictable pattern and varies only with prior notice. With predictability, the children are able to anticipate the sequence of events – this leads to feelings of control over both their environment and their time. By giving attention to each child’s needs and interests, the teachers are able to customize the curriculum and tailor a very personal educational fit.

2yrs – 3yrs of age
Child to Staff Ratio: 1:4 (including qualified nursery school teacher)
My World offers challenge and stimulation as our 2-3 years olds become more and more self-sufficient. We offer a place that provides warmth and security along with the finger paints and balancing beams, the songs and dress-up clothes, the puzzles and picture books.
As children learn from personal interaction and talking about their experiences, the teacher’s role is to provide an environment that promotes active learning. We aim to promote each child’s feelings of independence and competence by providing areas that are well defined, materials that are easily accessible, and both areas and materials that are fun, enticing and engaging.

Grade 000: 3yrs – 4yrs of age
Child to Staff Ratio: 6 to 1 (including qualified nursery school teacher)
At this stage, My World recognizes the enhanced developmental needs of each child in this age group and continues to offer cognitive, social, emotional and motor stimulation through a variety of exciting themes and lessons both inside the classroom and on our playground.
One-on-one interaction with the teacher enables the opportunity for each child’s unique needs to be fully met and catered for. Children are provided with the opportunities and materials necessary to reach their potential and are supported throughout by a team approach between the school and ongoing communication with each child’s family.

Grade 00: 4yrs – 5yrs of age
Child to Staff Ratio: 1:6 (including qualified nursery school teacher)
With “big school” fast approaching, My World encourages an increased level of independence and self-confidence in each child through a variety of stimulating activities and ongoing positive reinforcement.
All areas of development are covered on an on-going basis and the opportunity for reinforcement and revision is provided within a nurturing and sensitive environment. Our small classes and low child to staff ratio strengthens the important development of interpersonal relationships and enables early intervention if and when necessary. Children are assessed throughout the year and a formal report is produced each term.
Growing2Greatness / Grade R (5 – 6 years):
During this fundamentally important year that bridges the gap between pre-school and primary school, My World focuses on assisting each child with the development of his/her sense of self as well as the acquisition of responsibility, independence as well as learning about consequences.
Using practical interactions, our Grade R group is taught how to think critically, problem solve, communicate and work with others. At the same time, our children enjoy learning through play by using their senses and experiencing their world for themselves. School readiness and academic achievement are balanced using carefully thought-out lessons and activities that are in-line with the CAPS and ISASA curriculums and enhanced with our own My World magic.
Full assessments are completed for each group each term and reports are sent home during our parents meetings at the end of each term.